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Limosa country-house
Casa-alloggio per max. 6-12 posti letto, riscaldamento autonomo, ampia cucina-soggiorno, tre bagni, sala-laboratorio per workshop, giardino e parcheggio.piscina fuori terra.
Altri servizi disponibili in zona: parco acquatico, ristoranti, catering, maneggio cavalli, Terme di Suio. Possibilità di ospitare animali; acquisto di prodotti tipici (olio, pane, vini, miele, olive e formaggi); servizio di pranzo o cena convenzionati.

Limosa Cultura
Le sale e gli spazi di limosa sono in affitto anche per stage, convegni, assemblee, ricevimenti, feste, buffet, spettacoli, prove, riprese video.

(a settimana e fino a 6 persone \ min-max): 420,00 \ €.630,00
(i prezzi sono comprensivi di luce, acqua e gas con l’esclusione del riscaldamento invernale)




Limosa country-house home-accommodation for max. 6-12 beds, individual heating, large kitchen-living room, three bathrooms, living room-workshop for workshop, garden and parking, above ground pool. Other services available in the area: swimming pool, restaurant, catering, riding horses, baths of Suio. Possibility to accommodate animals; buying local products (oil, bread, wine, honey, olives and cheeses); lunch or dinner service. Limosa Culture The salt and silty areas are renting also for internships, conferences, meetings, receptions, parties, buffets, shows, rehearsals, filming videos. Prices (per week and up to 6 persons/min-max): 420.00 \ € 630.00 (prices include electricity, water and gas with the exclusion of winter heating)


Limosa-maison de campagne maison-logement pour max. 6 à 12 lits, chauffage, grande salle de séjour-cuisine, trois salles de bains, salon-atelier pour atelier, jardin et parking individuel, piscine hors terre.  Autres services disponibles dans le domaine : piscine, restaurant, traiteur, chevaux, thermes de Suio. Possibilité d'accueillir des animaux ; achat de produits locaux (huile, pain, vin, miel, olives et fromages) ; déjeuner ou dîner service.  Limosa Culture les zones sels et limoneux louent également des stages, des conférences, des réunions, des réceptions, des parties, des buffets, spectacles, répétitions, tournage vidéos. Prix (par semaine et jusqu'à 6 personnes/min-max): 420.00 \ € 630,00 (les prix comprennent l'électricité, l'eau et du gaz avec l'exclusion du chauffage en hiver)


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